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potato_hamster said:

... the camera part of the PS4 camera is irrelevant to this discussion. The microphone array in the PS4 camera is relevant. Not sure why you're getting hung up on this.

As for arguing that the cost of PS+ is relevant, considering that PS+ isn't even required for voice chat, I'm just going to let that one slide.

Regarding that cross-console chat, If all of your friends have PS4s and Switches and you want to go between the two... you can just use the PSN's voice chat features to do all of this if you really want to nitpick. There's no reason why all of those Switch users can't just create a party chat on PSN and use it for Switch, just as you're arguing they can do for Switch and use it for PS4. Again, smart phone is optional with PSN, and mandatory with Switch.

If everyone wants to use the playstation app on their phones instead of their consoles, they have that option. If they want to use their consoles, they can. With the Switch, you aren't given a choice, and there's no good reason for it.

Here's the part you're not getting. Every argument you're making about the possibilities of Nintendo's system doesn't actually require a smartphone, none of them.  Any argument you can make can be also be done by adding a microphone array to a Switch.   You're arguing for removing a choice from the consumer for no good reason. Removing an option here doesn't actually lead to a better experience since using your console for voicechat is not a worse experience.

I am looking at it from a console POV, as I'm literally talking about what's possible on my PS4 and my Vita.  Though, it appears there might be a difference between a console POV, and a Nintendo POV.

You know what else has a microhphone array?

So a microphone array in each joycon/controller, and a headset socket in each joycon for those who want to use one. Are we putting another array in the main unit for future tablet games too? How well are those microphone arrays in the joycon going to work when playing a motion control game like ARMS?

What if one person only has a Switch and the other person has a Switch and a PS4 but they want to stay in touch?

These are just rhetorical questions that I don't want an answer to. Just trust Nintendo, it'll all be fine.

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!