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So i downloaded Qore the new feature on the Playstation Network. Its basically a show about upcoming games new features and trailers for the ps3. Now the big question is, is this feature worth 2.99$ episode. The first episode was about 20 to 25 minutes long if you watch everything the episode has to offer.


Episode #1

Exclusive look into the new Socom online shooter for the ps3 which just made me want the game even more. they also gave details about clans and customization and exspressed that it is a very TEAM oriented online shooter.Also if you purchase the first episode of Qore you get to be one of the first to participate the Socom online beta, and you get an exclusive Socom theme for your ps3.

Exclusive look at Soul Calibur IV were they showed Darth Vader in action they also mentioned he will have his powers in the game which they showed off. They gave good detail about the story and gameplay

Exclusive look at The Force Unleashed were they showed off alot of gameplay and the story of this game. They also showed a boss battle and some of the levels you would be playing in. The physics in this game are sooo cool all the levels can be completely destroyed and used aganst anyone in the game.

There is also something for you PSP fans included with this first episode of Qore Along the lines of Ratchet and Clank, and you also get the Trailer for the new Hulk movie.

So is Qore worth 2.99$ well in my opinion yes i mean basically everything i saw in Qore i havent seen anywhere else on the internet or in magizines. They even convinced me to get Socom, but this is just my opinion. What do you guys think and has anybody else downloaded this new feature.

So is Qore worth the 2.99$


Be honest with nobody and lie to your self MGS4 best game EVER on ps3 :?!!!!!!!