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shikamaru317 said:
Chris Hu said:
Mainly looking forward to Forza Motorsports 7 finally being revealed. It being just days away from being revealed could explain why this month Horizon 3 car pack is somewhat sup par. At least there are some good Forzathon rewards cars available this month but I'm hoping some other cars besides Porsche's show up next month.

Hopefully Forza 7 is cool. Not as big of a Motorsport fan as I am of Horizon, largely because it gets kind of boring driving around the same tracks over and over. Hopefully MS alleviates that somewhat by adding alot of new tracks this time around. 10 new tracks would be great. I want to see the removed Japan tracks from FM4 make their return also. Also hoping for about 150-200 new cars compared to Forza 6. And lastly. I'm hoping for dynamic weather and time of day.

Not sure if they could get all those Japanese tracks back but Fujimi Kaido should have been back in FM6 already since its fictional.  Also since I'm pretty sure all the 1976 F1 cars will be back it would be nice if the could get Fuji Speedway with all its historical layouts in the game if not at least I hope the six wheeled Tyrrell P34 finally shows up in the game.  Also to add some more variety it would be nice if they at least added a couple of ficitional point to point races and some dirt tracks would be nice also.  If they do add 150-200 car I hope they raise the gargae limit by at least 200 cars.  I'm sure the auction house will be back also but I hope they also bring back the feature where you can sell back your cars to the dealer that way when I get giffed the same cars numerous times instead of rejecting them I can sell them back to the dealer because for some odd reason I got gifted dozens of duplicate gift cars in Horizon 3.