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starcraft said:
Euphoria14 said:

I know you said he should buy a PS2, but if he wants a PS3 at some point as well, why pay $400 for a PS3 and $130 for a PS2 when he can get both for $500 and have the PS2 problem taken care of as well as his wanting for a BluRay player?

Other than him wanting Banjo, the 360 makes no sense. No 360 RPG at the moment is worth a system purchase.

Honestly if he wants a 360, he should wait for a price drop. I see one possibly this holiday since it hasn't dropped in forever.

I can't believe you attacked me for a lack of objectivity.  No 360 RPG justifies a purchase?  Mass Effect, Oblivion, Fable 2 and Two Worlds (post-patch) say hi.  Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon,  Infinite Undiscovery, Tales and Eternal Sonata say hi.  These will all be out within a few months, and I've missed a TONNE!!!!

The PS2 is just as likely as the 360 to get a price dropm whereas the PS3 is unlikely to get one for ages.  In any case, a 360 pro + PS2 is cheaper than a backward-compatible PS3 with a far superior combined game library due to the PS3's strengths.  If all the PS3's great RPG's arn't going to be out for 18-24 months, he should wait until then when Sony will have dropped the price once or twice. 


 I didn't attack you directly. If you take the time to read my post you will realize I wrote "personally".

Maybe the last post I wrote didn't say it as I felt no need to repeat myself but I said this in my OP.

Personally to me, in terms of what he is looking for, 80GB PS3 is the way to go.

Meaning all of what I write is my opinion. Although thanks for twisting my words though. ;) I wrote that right after this, which you are also questioning me on.

I don;t see why people would tell the OP to spend $130 on a PS2 and $350 on a 360. Way to spend $480. $20 more gets him his BD player for his HDTV, his entire list of PS2 games on the 80GB PS3 (which PS2 RPG lineup destroys the 360 lineup, no RPG is worth a system purchase right now).

I love how if someone makes a new post his old posts in the thread no longer exist.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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