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Well, you're going against two (very) outspoken camps.

A. The "hardcore" fighting camp: these guys will state that such a game cannot be a true fighting game, and if you want to play a fighting game "Go and play Street Fighter olol". They'll argue to death why Super Smash Bros. Brawl can never be considered a true fighter.

B. The "purist" Smash players: these guys will state that such game cannot be a true fighting game, and If you want to play a fighting game "Go and play Street Fighter olol". They'll argue to death why Super Smash Bros. Brawl can never be considered a true fighter.

Different camps, same argument. Both very passionate about their beliefs. Have fun trying to convince them otherwise.

(Yes, I think Brawl is a fantastic fighter that is loads of fun. It shines because it can cater to so many tastes. Plus it's awesome to see Bowser beat the stuffing out of Mario.)