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Dude, it's not even close between the two.
The PS3 sold 7,922,055 units in its first full year in 2007. That's more than the 360 sold that year, which got Halo 3 plus the $600 price tag going against it, and over twice as much as the Wii U did in its two peak years combined. 
The PS3 may have started out slow, but it still had a chance and had potential as long as Sony stuck with it. The Wii U was a lost cause shortly after release and dead within a year.
The fact that a $600 PS3, which really didn't have any must have games outside of Uncharted 1, in 2007, outsold a $300 Nintendo system that got plenty of fairly good first party support from Donkey Kong Country, Mario Kart, Hyrule Warriors, Smash Bros., Mario Party 10, Splatoon, and Super Mario Maker, in 2014 and 2015, should speak volumes to how flawed your argument is.
Nintendo did everything they could with the Wii U, it just was not going to work, it was a flop, it was a dud, and they saw the writing on the wall and decided to cut their losses and focus on the future. Which was the wiser decision. If Sony was faced with a console that only sold 7 million across 2 years despite releasing Uncharted, Gran Turismo, Ratchet and Clank, inFamous, God of War, and Last of Us in those two years, they would've done the exact same thing.