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StarOcean said:
Aeolus451 said:

Like most dems, you're reversing reality.  Right leaning people want things that benefit the whole country and not just for a few groups a certain political party panders to for votes. More jobs and stronger economy helps all americans. 

I'm not a dem. Nor left like you try to propogate. Pro-Conservation is what I am. And that short sighted benefit will hurt the world. Instead of pander to industries like coal mining which has no future, the US should invest into jobs that help the environment. There are plenty of jobs that do that which will and can boost the economy

Hmm. You're somewhere on the left even if you don't adhere to any label but I could be wrong. You could just depise trump for all I know. No one really asks eachother what they believe on the issues. 

As I said before in other posts, we can still mine and use the coal in a more cleaner way while researching clean energy sources that can meet world's demands. We don't have to sacrifice the livelihood of those miners or other natural resource industries to develope clean energy. Eventually, coal will be phased out as technology improves. The paris accord is really just a token measure to lessen emissions because it doesn't really accomplish much. It's a shit deal for america in terms of jobs lost and the money we have to shell out to underdeveloped countries for a tiny barely measurable return for the environment. The tradeoff isn't worth it especially with the US paying out foreign aid. No one is saying we shouldn't do what we can to stop ourselves from destroying the planet but solutions have to be practical with what it costs and we gain from it. Any measure to improve the environment is not automatically a good idea.