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For everyone who say the ps4 gold headset or the old ones dont works corect with bluetooth, even dont know how to connect the usb adaptor on ps4, or the wifi channell is the same with bluetooth and the connection is laggy so you change the chanell for your wifi
So stop make this problem and say "oh look ps4 has not good bluetooth either" Sony ps4 headset is the best even they have app from the console to change the setting and is very cheap now that new 3d sound headsets is out

In topic now im the only one who see that set up for voice chat is amazing? This is the future on how you talk to others that you know only to avoid bulling. Has anyone idea how this triagle device is the latest techology to get crystal clear sound.? No ? Well you now know it. The sound become even more clear because you pay subscription .
Even with that app Nintendo can hear everything you say to collect information to make your experience even better