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method114 said:
spurgeonryan said:
I love the environment.

But after his statement and me learning more about it I say screw the Paris agreement.

It did bring us a disadvantage. Find other ways. We should have steppe out. He is right for once.

I don't know anything about the paris agreement. What I do know is that by not agreeing to join it doesn't mean Trump doesn't care or is ignoring it. We as a country are perfecctly capable of making changes to help with climate change without having to join other countries in doing it.

As far as if it's real or not it's clearly real. The temp has fluctuated forever on this planet. At one point in time North America was covered in mile high sheets of ice all of it. We just figured out that the human race is like 12,000 years older than we originally had thought. We are learning so much it's weird to me the people who think we know everything now and we are super smart.

As for the people saying we shouldn't even risk it? Well it's easy to say that maybe where  you live. I live in Houston a large part of our economy depends on oil. When the oil industry is doing bad it effects a lot of other industries as well in and around Houston. When your seeing people lose their jobs, their homes and everything else it's not as easy to say F those people we need to prepare for a situation we know very little about.

Its what Texas deserves then. When you put all your eggs in one basket, that being oil for Texas, you get screwed once that comes to an end. I know how big oil is in Texas, Im from there. That should get people to open their eyes and realize theyre in a dying business. Invest in technology, because thatll last a lot longer than just putting fucking pollutionous rigs in the ground. And if they want to go down with their ship, theyre more than welcome to. But not at the expense of the world.