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Soundwave said:
Aeolus451 said:

You forgot something. It's that low because of obama. It will likely double or triple without the restrictions.

I would debate that because the industry is losing ground beyond political reasons, but even if it was .... so WHAT? 

Why should a work force the size of nail salon workers be allowed to hold the planet's environment hostage and have such massive sway over global initiatives? 

Fuck them and fuck their shit industry that's probably going to give half of them cancer anyway. They have no right. 

You can say the same of the asshats trying to dictate how everyone should live. If they want to curb greenhouse emissions, invent a renewable clean energy source or tech that can meet the energy demands of the world at a comparible price to natural sources. That is the most surefire for it to work. Otherwise, stow the complaints if you won't get china to play ball (alot more than they are) in the EU's token gesture to curb emissions.

Anyway, I'm gonna drive around for a bit (a few extra miles) to celebrate and maybe buy some charcoal, some angus beef and whatever else is needed for some cheeseburgers to eat while reading your next "fuck people" reply to this.