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starcraft said:

He may not be a PC gamer.  Even if he is, you just told him not to buy a 360 based on future games potential.

If you cant see the 360's wonderful games and think potential isn't enough to buy one, you definitely can't justify a PS3 purchase. 


 You're making assumptions that Spartan is telling him to buy a PS3 for the future games, you're also assuming that the games currently out forthe PS3 don't justify its purchase.  Which is a round about way of getting in the old "PS3 has no games" jab, which is simply not true.  I own a PS3 for the games that are on it right now, and am perfectly happy with my purchase.  Don't assume that because you can't find a good reason amongst the current games to by a PS3 that noone can.

Also a little above you said that you hear about more PS3's failing than 360's failing, and you know that's because there are more PS3 owners on this forum then there are 360 owners, which you failed to mention.
