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Who the hell cares. It still doesn't hold a candle to PC, what's the point. If I am so damn keen on having the best versions of third party games, I'll just get a good rig and that's that. Right now, not at the end of the year. With double the power of Scorpio.

What Microsoft really needs are some new exclusives. Without that, the console is just plain boring. And the lack of news in that department has become quite depressing as of late, all the while Sony is firing one exclusive hit after another like there's no tomorrow. Here's hoping E3 will bring something new to the table, as competition is always good for us gamers. But right now it is a massacre and scorpio with its hardware alone won't change that. Software sells hardware, not the other way around.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.