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palou said:
jason1637 said:

"Dumbass voters" because people don't vote the way you'd like then to vote they are dumbasses lol.


As for the DNC and GOP being done away with and new parties are establish there would still be a liberal party that former democrats would end up joining and a conservative party that former republicans will end up joining. The parties aren't the problem it's those that are in the parties.

The problem is that the american electoral system (first past the post) encourages the establishment of a 2-party system. 


As with everything else, competition creates quality, in politics. But the democrats and republicans currently are the only option for people that feel inclined to the left/right. In an electoral system that is more open to the creation of new parties, the established need to constantly make sure that their voters are all satisfied, not only with general affiliation (which is the only thing that destinguishes GOP and DNC currently), but also in quality. 


In a proportional parliamentary system, it would be possible for a third party with very close ideology to just replace the current left/right party, if the public is dissatisfied with their current representatives (what happend with the french leftist party, which completely collapsed after Holland). In the american system, splitting off makes sure that the opposing ideology is guaranteed to win.

I agree that the system we have favors two large parties but there are other parties that cant seem to get elected. People are so attached to the two main parties that they are scared to vote for third party because they think doing that will help the other main party. If people can be more accepting of other parties in a large scale then a new party can be established as a big contender.