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Jaxyfoo said:
I don't get this philosophy that Microsoft will sell the Scorpio at a loss to boost sales, because they love their customers and don't like money. I think even pitched at break even, that would mean this would be the last Xbox console, because it is fairly obvious that Microsoft realise they can make way more money from services across every platform, and having their own low selling machine is Already holding them back.

Doubt it mostly because of Xbox Live. Microsoft makes lots of money from Xbox live subs and since it's free on PC getting rid of their console business will basically be like letting their gaming division die since Xbox Live is what brings in the most money for the Xbox brand and if they start charging for it on PC they will have to compete against Steam which is free.

As for the sales it really isn't that bad since the XBO is basically flat YOY during Q1 but if expect Microsoft would want it to be more due to the xbox live but that's what happens when they announce a new better Xbox that comes out this year.

OP- The PS4 is doing good staying consistent and I'm happy to see the Pro charting. Nintendo is killing it with the Switch and Fire Emblem is selling well on the 3DS. I can see Arms doing around 300k next month which I'd say is pretty good for a new IP.