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naznatips said:
Mise said:
naznatips said:
Yakuzaice said:
I can't wait. The first one was great(never bought any expansions though). This one looks amazing. I don't share your optimism on SCII though. But it would be a pleasant surprise.

It's not really optimism as much as personal experience. I have yet to play a Blizzard game that could be described as anything but "Amazing."

Blackthorne and the first two Warcrafts say hello.

Never played Blackthorne, but the first two Warcrafts were amazing for their time. I know people who like WC2 better than WC3.

Anyway, I never got into Company of Heroes... though I blame that on me despising World War 2 games. I do really like the original Dawn of War, but it hardly changed the way RTS games were played. This definitely looks more revolutionary than Dawn of War was.

That said, I agree with Kyros that Blizzard's ability to perfectly balance 3 completely unique races will always make them the RTS king for me. When I play a game I want completely different experiences depending on which race I play, and I want that experience to be balanced.

I'll be buying both these games, but the competitive one will be SC2. This will be the "crazy new ideas" one.

 Personally, I always thought that the Warcraft series was inferior to C&C and other strategy games of the time period, mainly because Orcs and Humans were carbon copies of each other in the first two games, excluding spells and certain upgrades. Warcraft 3 was more than equal to Red Alert 2, though. If you haven't played Blackthorne I suggest you try it - it's kinda like a less puzzley, more action-based Flashback. A solid game, but not exactly spectacular.

Blizzard is good in eventually balancing its games, true. But I'm pretty damn sure that StarCraft 2 will be unbalanced as hell out of the box. I still remember the Huntress and Orc Tower fiascos that plagued WarCraft3 when it came out.

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