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KBG29 said:
Green098 said:

I have a question just out of curiosity;

If Sony did make a PSP 3, and it failed do you trust them to still support it?

Because if the answer is 'no', then can you fully trust Sony at making another handheld?

Sure we could trust Sony to support it if does become a success, we could trust Sony that they could make a successful portable this time around. But with the chance of it performing no better than the PS Vita, do you trust Sony to support it any better than did with the Vita.

I don't think it is a matter of trust when it comes to companies supporting failed products. It seems unrealistic to me to expect a company to continue to support a money loosing venture that has no alternitive gains. I think the fact that Sony supported the Vita as well as it did for the past 6 years, with the way it performed is admirable. There are much more popular and expensive products that see even less and shorter support. 

The thing with any future PlayStation product, is I would expect it to be tied to the PlayStation ecosystem. It would run on a scaled chipset shared with all other PlayStation devices. It would have a shared OS with all other PlayStation devices. It would run the same apps, and services as any other PlayStation hardware. 

I trust that if Sony made another handheld they would learn from their mistakes, and they would learn from the mistakes of the rest of the industry. I trust that if done right, a PSP3 would be a device that would be making money from day one, and would be something Sony would stick with for the long haul even if sales were only on par with what Vita did before. I trust that with Kaz at the helm, and the PlayStation division marching towards being over half of Sony's market value, yearly revenue and profits, that Sony will continue to take any PlayStation device very seriously. 

Why do I have all this trust?

Because Sony has no other option at this point. They can not afford for PlayStation to stagnate. They can not afford for consoles to fade away into the past. Their future rides on the success of PlayStation.

When you buy a piece of hardware like the Vita for example you expect worthwhile games to reach the system especiallly from a huge band like Sony/Playstation, a company can't just say well too bad this didn't become successful too bad. It will give it a bad rep, and people won't to buy a successor because they can't trust Sony to support it in 4 years.

Sure it can be considered unrealistic to continue to support for a product that didn't do great, but with 15 million people owning a Vita that's still a big audience to make profit off with games. Look at the Wii U for example sure it lost Nintendo money at the start, but they got to a point were they could make it a profitable platform and not lose money off it, so is a little support too much to ask? It could even help the platform perform better.

I trust that Sony could make a better handheld than the Vita. I just don't have enough trust that it would be a success, and therefore not get any support quickly down the line.

Anyways it's not like Sony is in need of another platform like a new handheld, making one is a risky move that could hurt them more than help. They've already got VR, they can't make games for PS4, PSVR and a handheld. PlayStation is in no need of saving, the PS4 could not sell a single more unit as of I'm typing this and still continue to be a successful. Considering the amount of PlayStation hardware sales means to stagnate it wouldn't matter if they went slighty below as it is still a huge amount. Consoles are far from dead, and more interesting features tied them also continue to keep the market flowing. Sony's making more than enough money off the PlayStation 4 making a bunch of other products that can likely not perform well would just end up costing time, money and resources that are better invested elsewhere.