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Eagle367 said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

But where in his post did Shikamaru say that HZD WOULD outsell Zelda BoTW for you to even make that statement? YOU made the incorrect statement saying that sales for HZD were finished....he just corrected you....that's all.

When you have difficulty outselling 1-2 switch you are basically finished. I don't think it will even outsell that game except for a couple of weeks so the game is finished. 

1-2 Switch is at about a little over .40 million sold GLOBALLY HZD is at WELL over 3 million sold how do you not think that it will outsell 1-2 Switch? That doesn't even make sense lol. It has CONSISTENTLY outsold 1-2 Switch EVERY single week GLOBALLY since 1-2 Switch released. I don't know if you are just saying stuff to say it or you just look at what you want but to say you don't even think HZD will outsell 1-2 Switch is silly. I am not even sure if you are being serious to say something so off the wall lol.

So again....your post was FACTUALLY is not possible for you to say HZD is finished.....that is FACTUALLY incorrect. I don't get the point you are trying to make by saying it is finished when it clearly is not but I guess man....

Miyamotoo said:
shikamaru317 said:

I'd hardly call it finished. It's just finished at full price. It will recieve a nice boost to it's legs when they drop it to $40, and another nice boost when they drop it to $20, and another nice boost if they release a GOTY edition bundled with the planned singleplayer DLC. BoTW will stay at full price alot longer because Nintendo is basically the only publisher out there that can get away with staying at full price for many months. 

That will still not change anything, Zelda BotW will still keep selling much better in any case, it's basically must have game for system alongside MK8D.

But what does that have to do with what he said and what he respnded to lol?

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23