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Top 100 Countries Ranked In Terms Of Gaming Revenue; China and USA Dominate

Revenue from video games in 2017 is dominated by China and The United States of America.

Newzoo has released its new report that ranks the top 100 countries based on global game revenue estimates for 2017.

According to Newzoo, the estimates are based on a combination of primary consumer research, transactional data, quarterly company reports, and census data. Further, the revenues are based on consumer revenues generated by companies in the global games industry and exclude hardware sales tax, business-to-business services, and online gambling and betting revenues.

All of that being said — like previous reports — China has once again found itself atop the list for 2017 with an estimated $27.55 billion in revenue. Meanwhile, right behind China is The United States at $25 billion. After the top two there is a substantial drop in revenue, with Japan in third with $12.5 billion, and then another substantial drop, with Germany in fourth at $4.4 billion, and the UK rounding out the top five at $4.2 billion.

Making up the rest of the top ten, in descending order, is: Republic of Korea, France, Canada, Spain, and then Italy.

It’s worth noting that China’s population (1.38 billion) is far larger than the population of the US (326 million); therefore when looking at revenue on a per-person basis, the US actually beats out China.

Go to the link below to view the Top 100 and see where your country ranks (courtesy of Newzoo).