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RolStoppable said:
You've got the age group right, but the gaming preferences wrong. The people who are showing up to drive Switch sales are those who love cartridge-based consoles. That's why Bomberman can succeed at retail, because such a game is definitely not bought by the typical PS4 gamer.

There isn't a new-found love for Nintendo here. It's re-ignited love because Nintendo delivered a console worth buying. We are talking about gamers who don't stop gaming, but sit out console generations because there's no product made for them. The constraint is not money. It's not time either. It's the lack of supply for new games that hit the same spot as the 8- and 16-bit games along with hardware that goes into the same direction. Switch doesn't use discs, it uses cards. Switch only does games and does it fast, like a proper console should.

You don't have to play any game on disc (or cartridge) today though if you don't want to. 

I don't really think that's the appeal. I went over to my buddy's house, he's 38, and this dude used to be a freaking hardcore of the hardcore gamers, played Unreal Tournament all night, multi-monitor PC setup, ripped through Gran Turismo, poured hours into GoldenEye on the N64 on a 12-inch black and white TV, spent every lunch hour eating for 5 minutes then the rest of the time would be taking on all challengers at the Street Fighter II and Mortal Kombat machines on the corner store. 

He has an XBox One, but doesn't use it for anything other than Netflix anymore. Doesn't have anything against the XBox (he bought it after all), it's not anything "wrong" Microsoft did, life is just a bitch and it changes a lot when you have real responsibilities. He just had his first child. I brought the Switch over and he was able to play on the TV, and then move into the baby's room to check on his kid while still playing. He was impressed with the system. 

I see this all the time. I see a lot of my friends too from college who were hardcore PS2 gamers who basically don't play at all anymore or play the odd war straategy game on their Android phone to work but that's it. When I was in Japan a year ago I met up with my friend and we went shopping for retro video games, and it was just .... sad, lol. He doesn't play any games anymore, he basically quit after he got married and had his first child, I remember in college he played Final Fantasy X one night literally 12 hours straight.