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The PSP software sales are atrocious, but I don't think it's due to the format lacking direction. Indeed, it has many many directions in which it focuses, which is the real problem. What the system lacks above all else is focus on a single purpose. Consider the problem in terms of a tool: people don't want a game system, they want to play games. You're not selling them the system, you're selling them the ability to play games. But the PSP tries to be more than that right off the bat, which means that people see it as a multi-tool that's too complicated, even if it's not really.

The best way to implement non-gaming features is to be subtle about it. Make it clear that the system is a gaming system at heart, and don't even advertise its other features. It works for Nintendo, and it can work for others too. Though the fact that the DS has the handheld market in a stranglehold makes any efforts to set the PSP up as an ideal gaming system a rather wasted effort by now...

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.