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Ubisoft urges Sony to act on 'directionless' PSP

Ubisoft has called on Sony to act quickly to stop publishers abandoning the PSP as a viable format.

Speaking exclusively to, UK managing director Rob Cooper has said that the format lacks direction, with Sony unsure of how to market a machine he sees as over-priced and too technical for the mainstream consumer.


Ubisoft has no games planned for the PSP this year, but Cooper insists the format still has potential, so long as Sony can properly identify its audience and move the system out of "no man's land".


"Certainly, we still see it as a viable format. But we're not developing too many games on it until we get some direction. They've got to decide what they want to do with it, and come out clearly and say, 'this is our strategy, this is our process and this is how publishers can get behind it'."

"At the moment they are in no man's land, they're not sure quite how to tackle the DS competition and who is the PSP consumer. They've got to sort that out first," he said.


He shares his thoughts on the PSP, the problems with Wii consumers and why this Christmas sales period is going to be "vicious", can be read here.