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Saw it this past weekend. It was forgettable.

Sure I laughed during it and enjoyed the movie, but I don't see any desire to ever watch it again. Heck, look how long it took to post in this topic. Don't really care to discuss it really even.

Way too many jokes that just felt tacked on and out of place. The intro was way too long. Sure I laughed when Groot danced for like 10 seconds. Then 5 minutes later your practically screaming at the screen to freaking move on already. Drax was funny, but more of a first time funny. All of his jokes, and he had a billion will no longer be funny second viewings and more.

The story was a good closure to the Starlord storyline, but overall completely pointless in the full scheme. If this movie never existed, nothing would change. The first Guardians movie could have had an end credits scene with showing off Adam Warlock and we would be just fine.

Too much CGI and cuts during fighting. The second is a trouble most marvel movies have. It's like watching a Liam Neesan movie. Each punch requires 5 different angles it feels like. I'm excited to see Wonder Woman's Wharehouse scene. Looks like it could be the BvS batman scene. Or Netflix's love for Hallway scenes. The greatest fight scenes are ones with less cuts and have a more one take feel to them.