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Machiavellian said:
There is no such thing as good guys and bad guys, there are only winners and losers especially when it comes to nations. The winners are heroes and the losers are terrorist, thugs, villains you name it. Winners write the history and the losers condemn it. So when all is said and done, try to be on the winning team.

A brutal concept, but it's true. It also can be applied to everything and everyone, including those who whine about illegal migrants crushing the wages, about outsourcing leaving millions without a job, or about H-1B visa making their degrees useless because Indian coders have the same degrees and ask for less.

I personally don't lose anything because just like you said, I am with the winning team in games that actually matter, at least for now. (Have you seen the Switch sales?)

What happens if you wake up one day to find your on the losing side though? Would you not want the winning team to have some mercy then?


Uranium affects babies in their mothers' wombs and it will contaminate Iraq and Syria for decades. Everyone should have something to say about this.