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First off, the last 15 minutes or so, were amazing. That made the movie worth it in my eyes.

However, it had no backbone. I felt zero confidence in their scenes (apart from the last part). The opening scene in particular, was such a slap in the face. The target audience all of a sudden dropped 5 years. They were just clowns, all of them. Saving the galaxy? The stakes were more like, "oh shit, we don't have any snacks for our movie night on the couch!"

And it hurts! That last part pefectly displayed how far they could go with this movie. "Nah, too scary to make a good movie, lets just make a forgettable silly movie instead"

The first one impressed me a lot. This one...

I really, really liked the high Priestess and the Sovereign ppl, and overall the movie was decent. It wasn't outright bad in any sense, really. Going from 1 to 2 though, left me feeling very dissapointed. Ending part was great, but that was it.