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To the OP, this is NOT the same online that we will be paying for at all. Once the paid service comes up, there will be online lobbies, there will be an app for creating parties and chatting with friends (which in itself is new, so how could they possibly use the same infrastructure?) plus monthly game downloads, etc. The online connection is what I'm assuming that you are more referring to, which I have not experienced any issue with yet and I have played with people from the opposite side of the world. I haven't noticed any lag, latency, issues with items appearing/disappearing, or any of the things you have described.

Of course, every user's online experience will be different based upon where they live and what internet is available to them as well as those they are connected with, but I honestly have not seen any hiccups. Anyways, to go along with that, this is a pretty new service for Nintendo and as time goes by I am sure that they will have updates and patches to smooth over any issues there are. I have faith that they have turned over a new leaf with the aggressive way that they have approached their products and their marketing over the past year or so. Online will only get better, it's not just going to stay the same straight through.

NNID: Dongo8                              XBL Gamertag: Dongos Revenge