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Cloudman said:
Ganoncrotch said:

I've yet to finish a GP and not end it first... but to be fair that just includes one at 200cc which I was still first... but didn't triple star, just been enjoying seeing all the GPs in 50cc mode so now I've got all of them triple stared, just jumped into a few random 100/150cc GPs and had no real issues triple staring them either, I have to say... it feels slightly strange that all of the GP's and categories were open from the start, I would have rathered a gating system to give me a reason to have played the 50cc cups... but I guess I got a ton of coins doing it and unlocked a load of the car bodies and such, weird seeing the mercedes stuff in a Mario Kart game.


258KM driven so far since launch. feeling as I move along there is going to be some GPs that'll give issues with 100%'ing it for a while, but yeah, such a wealth of content considering I hadn't touched the WiiU game I couldn't be happier with this launch as someone who is experiencing the whole package as a new game.

Really hope they start to salage other software from the WiiU now to fill in the gaps in the upcoming months, or ya know... virtual console would rock, even just a sniff of news about it for classics from the megadrive again.

Considering starting a petitiion to port Mario 3d World... but I think if Nintendo have any love of money they'll be doing that in the next few months or at least years.



Edit - Second GP in a row now I've gotten "mario partied" on the last race of a GP basically chain red shelled from first in the last race to cost any stars on the thing, forgot how much of a waste of time feeling that was with MK games, hasn't changed in MK8D sadly. Should be some form of AI limit that they wont chain attacks for the entire field of racers as they pass you. (was going to put imo, but that's not an opinion, there just should be)

Well, you've done better than I have on 200cc. I just ended up crashing into a wall in one of the courses, and wasn't happy... xD Sounds like you're doing really well so far too. Nice to know you haven't lost your touch.

Aye getting back into the swing of MK, dear me though... the game is just beautiful to play and listen to, the sound of Melody road and the Excitebike remix really are just great audio pieces and the stage of melody road makes it just so fantastic to drive, even the Piranha plants bopping to the music is brilliant.

I have the feeling that I'm going to be getting a great number of hours out of my Switch, it's definitely already covered the cost of itself with 165 hours of Zelda and now this MK overload of content.

I'm actually happy in ways now that I didn't buy a Wii-U because I got to play this in basically "the way it was meant to be" enjoyed if you get me, hurt to skip a generation of Nintendo but hopefully I'll get to experience the best of its games on the Switch, if MK8D sells like I think it will, I've a feeling Nintendo would be encouraged to start repackaging more of the Wii-U library forwards to it.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at