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Dgc1808 said:
Ganoncrotch said:

Eshop delievery is about 30mins depending on your internet speed :D delivered right to the console, can't beat that imo :D

be real... will you ever want to trade in MK8D?

I now own two physical Switch games and I'm already regretting getting MK8 physical media. I passed on playing BreathOfTheWild in favor of youtube videos earlier because I would have to get up and swap out the cartridge, but I know I'm gonna want to play MK8 later. First world problems I guess.

Yeah I learned this from the Vita days, I have a ton of games on the Vita, as in card format, but the cards for that system are really thin and feel very fragile so I ended up actually rebuying a lot of them from psn and buying a 64GB card (over €100) just to have the convience of having the games on the machine without messing about.

Switch I feel is going to be very much a digital system for me for the most part unless I encounter really cheap copies of games like Bomberman used or so, otherwise will just be eshopping it up, I've been won over by the ease of access to digital games, on a portable anyways.

This is from a person who has over 200 GC games and around the same X360 Physical copies too. Love me a boxed copy, but also love being lazy :D

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