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I think the sword controls got alot of flak because with a large number of enemies around or if you needed to cut down some shrub to grab a few rupies it was just hold the analog to run and swing your wiimote in each and every direction.

I enjoyed the bow shooting, but sword play just sucked. If I swing up, Link swings to the side, if I swing the wiimote in a circle, Link swings to the side and would you guess it... if I swing to the side, Link swings to the side.

I think with all the hype of the motion controls people were expecting more of Swing up and Link swings up, swing left and he swings left, swing right and he swings right, etc...


Also what nordlead said. On GC Link swings with his left hand, on the Wii he swings with his right.

Overall still a good games, but sometimes it caused me to lose interest in the game. First time ever for me personally with a Zelda game. In the Sky Temple the controls were horrid until the boss battle with the double hookshot. :)

The same way how many people dislike fighting controls for games like DBZ and/or Naruto. Just swing both arms violently the entire match and hope you win.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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