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SpokenTruth said:
potato_hamster said:

Do you have any idea how hilarious your posts actually are? Everyone has been discriminated against since forever. Literally everyone. Do you help friends and family members out and help them accomplish their goals, but not complete strangers? That's discrimination. Discrimination in of itself isn't necesarily a problem. The problem here is that the feminist movement has been co-opted by extremists. The feminist movement as a whole has become far more radicalized over the past few years. Just look at how the documentary "The Red Pill" has been protested by feminist groups in an attempt to get a movie made by a feminist about MRAs completely silenced. It's absolutely ridicuous.

You can sit there and say "well not all feminists", but that doesn't change the fact that the feminism you're talking about doesn't actually fit the public image the word "feminism" represents any more. There's a reason why fewer and fewer people are calling themselves feminists over the years, and it's not because society today doesn't believe in equality, it's because people don't want to associate themselves with those who represent feminism in 2017.

I'll grant you extremists are the vocal force.  I've already said that a few times in this thread.  But when you say feminists are evil you are generalizing and doing exactly what the extremists want you to do.  They want you playing the exact role they claim you are being.  They are baiting you and you're eating it up like a long awaited dinner.

All they have to do is say, "See, look at this thread title. We told you men are assholes."  Feminist extremists are vile but certainly not evil (don't see them killing many people or causing much actual violence....mostly just yelling). 

I should probably clarify - I do not think feminists are evil. This thread is click bait, and flaming, and should never have been allowed to persist as it exists.