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I am with twesterm on this one.

this is a game which has been created SOLELY for the purpose of good graphics. the ENTIRE gameplay is created around seeing beautiful animals and Africa. If it doesn't look amazing, then the game fails. If the point was anything but running around taking photos, then I wouldn't care, but if the game is based on me taking pictures then those pictures better be damned pretty.

Also, if getting too close to a lion, hippo, elephant, etc doesnt result in a painful death, then this game fails completely.

Games I am looking forward to:

PC: Diablo III, Fallout III, Stacraft 2, Spore, Empire: Total War, American McGee's Grimm

360: Madden 09, Fable 2, Left 4 Dead, Blood Bowl

“Go ask [Blizzard president] Rob Pardo if PC gaming is dead – if he can take the time out from making money hats, I’m sure he’ll give you a really eloquent explanation of why probably the most valuable entertainment franchise of the moment is PC-specific.” - Gabe Newell