daredevil.shark said:
crissindahouse said:
That's the funny thing about paying to play online. Last gen many Sony and Nintendo fans complained about MS and MS fans were like "that money they generate from it though". This gen, some of the same Sony fans are like "awesome, so much money Sony makes now" even if it comes from what they complained about last gen and when Nintendo will make a lot of money from it in some years you will see some Nintendo fans who will love the profit NIntendo generates even when they come from what they didn't like before 
Edit: Just to clarify, that's not meant to be against OP, I have no idea what he said about paying for online last gen. Just in general what you can see in some threads.
In my OP I presented "financial data" not personal feelings. I hope you do the same and talk from financial point of view. Thanks.
In your title you put your feelings though, and the other thread you abandoned. Your the last person to say something like this smh