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To the OP: I think that it's more the case that MGS4 will perform better than most other titles on the PS3, but that's a given. What remains to be seen is how many consoles the game pushes. In my own theory, I think Nintendo is going to send out a super shipment of Wii Fit the same week that mGS4 launches, to steal its thunder and make PS3 sales seem weak in comparison. Screaming man syndrome - guy starts screaming to get noticed, another guy breaks out a bullhorn to drown him out.

I think that time and cost are going to be in the PS3's favor, just like how the PSP has been a late bloomer. It will not likely surpass the XB360 anytime soon, but I think it might do so in a few years down the line. The unfortunate side to this is that just like the gamecube, by the point that the system really picks up the pace, 3rd party support will have faded.