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I will never understand this obsession in USA (also some other countries) to be the country dominating the world. What exactly do you have from that?

Do you think people in Denmark or Norway are like "ohh no, I have everything I need personally but my country isn't a world power, my life is so sad"?

Just try as country to offer a great life for the people. If a country like China will be in the future 3x as strong economical with 5x as many people it shouldn't be anything to have a problem with as long as people in USA have a great life on their own.

And if USA's economy and military power will be only 100th in the world in 200 years it should be also no problem for anyone in the country if people in that country have still the best they can get for their own life. 

So, just concentrate on improving the life of your people and not how to beat others if that doesn't improve the life of them and only how others think about your country.