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zorg1000 said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

No they are not  To see if there is growth you look at the last exclusive game to see where the franchise was at and the sales after going multiplatform. There are no excuses you're getting ridiculous, I literally couldn't have been more clear. 


It does because no one can get away with making them and selling them for that price. Also they aren't as good. Can you find a single full retail price kart racer that has the scores Mario kart does? 


Yes I do agree with that if switch does Wii Numbers. I feel the insane profits made from hardware wouldn't be worth giving up when they're selling 20-30 million units on their games. But is that really going to happen on the switch? I highly doubt it but we'll find out. 

I dont agree with that, looking at a franchises history is more relevant than just its most recent entry. Regardless, going by your method, none of those games had notable growth.

Both of the Sonic Racing games and LBP Karting got good reviews (not as good as MK) and none of them sold that well. My point is, if there was demand for AAA 2D platformers or arcade style racers on PS/XB than you would see developers making these type of games on those platforms but there isnt strong demand so they dont get made.

It doesnt have to be Wii levels. It could be 3DS level sales, 60-70 million hardware with multiple 10+ million sellers and dozens of multimillion selling games. I dont think you realize that most Nintendo IP didnt see large growth by being on Wii. The only 20+ million selling franchises were the Wii Series, Mario Kart & 2D Mario, everything else was under 13 million. Simply taking away the Wii Series puts 1st party sales not much ahead of 3DS 1st party sales.

Yes and practically all of these games have a downward trend. Comparing the sales to a franchise at the peak of its exclusive history to when they went multiplatform is ridiculous. You compare the most recent entry which is a snapshot of the IP's interest. ALL of the games you demonstrated had good growth or an extra million in sales from the other console justifies a port from a financial standpoint. It doesn't cost $60 million to port and ship an extra version. Especially as games are a lot more expensive elsewhere in the world (yaya for $80 games in the UK) Or the series was dying and sold less on the original console as well. 

LBP Karting got a 73 meta, both sonics got 77 and 82 a far far far cry from the 94 Mario Kart 8 on switch is getting. Mario Kart wii 'only' got an 82 but because mario kart is a massive franchise with decades of history it stil sold 35 million units. 28 million more than MK 8. Did those 28 million people die or were grandmas and people that only play mobile? No. Most of these people play PS4's and XBox and steam and had wii as a second console, they'd still buy it if they were interested in the Hardware. And even then you're sitll comparing apples to oranges. Project Cars not doing amazing on PS4 doesn't mean there isn't a market for sim racers, everyone's waiting for/wants to buy GT7. Titanfall doing poorly on PS4 Doesn't mean people don't want to play shooters COD still sells millions. And if you say COD is massive and doesn't count, Mario Kart is arguably bigger. 

60-70 million would be amazing for Nintendo and would definitely mean they don't have to go 3rd party I agree. 

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