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zorg1000 said:
ArchangelMadzz said:

You proved that on the same company platform more units doesn't always equal more sales. That's true there's lots involved when you're talking about the SAME platform. If the PS4 sold 50 million more units it doesn't mean that Uncharted is going to automatically sell more, cause it's the same console base. 

I'm talking about something completely different. An Exclusive going from 1 console with a small user base, to 4 platforms with an overall larger user base. Your entire first couple of paragraphs are meaningless to that. Mass effect sold a lot more once it got released on playstation that it did before. Same with Bioshock etc, etc. Rocket league did Amazing on PS4. But including sales on Steam dn Xbox it is greatly increased. 

Ah that's true there is a lot of competition, but Nintendo games stand out from the mould of everyone. We obviously can't prove it one way or the other but to say the increase in sales for Nintendo franchises like Mario, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Zelda, Donkey Kong etc would be minimal. To me that just sounds like nonsense. Can't be proved one way or the other but I would bet my left hand that sales would at least double once aviailable on PS4/XB/Steam. 

Why does it matter if its the same company? that argument makes no sense.

Anywho, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Titanfall, Tomb Raider, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Tekken are franchises that saw no notable growth from going multiplatform so that disproves your argument.

@bolded, i already addressed this twice now. If a console sells similar to Dreamcast, Wii U & Vita than i agree that its install base holds back software sales but there is little reason to expect Switch to do as poorly as those systems so the point is moot.

Can you show me any $50 2D platformers that have sold well on PS4/XBO/PC? how about $60 Kart racers for the matter? These genres have little to no presence on those ecosystems so why are you assuming they would all of a sudden be huge hits on these platforms? You havent given any actual reasons why Nintendo games would double or triple in popularity by going 3rd party.

Of course it matters because it's the same group of fans. If you're opening up to fans on a different brand that's what we're talking about. 

You know what? Let's check those examples cause I'm not sure you did:

FF12 PS2 exclusive = 6 million. FF13 PS3 = 5.34 million. 360 = 2.17 million. Growth.
MGS 4 = PS3 6 million. MGS 5 = PS4 3.46 million XB1 = 0.93 million. The game sold less on original platform and overall. Franchise is weaker, nothing to do with being multiplat. Xb1 version still sold almost a million copies, (Remember 2015)
Titanfall, See above
Tomb Raider was never an exclusive franchise.
Crash Bandicoot Warped, PS2 = 7.13 million.  Wrath of Cortex, PS2 = 5.42 million, Xbox = 1.23 million, GC = 0.59 Million. Only just did better than previous, I'm not sure it would worth it and may be your first legit example in your list. 
Spyro Year of the Dragon, PS2 = 3.71 million, Spyro Enter the Dragonfly. PS2 = 1.97 million, Gamecube = 0.71 million. 2.68 mil total, See Titanfall.
Tekken 5 PS2 = 3.87 million. Tekken 6 PS3 = 2.75 million, Xbox 360 = 1.3 million. Those are bad numbers, Tekken only outsold the previous due to it being a million seller on 360 meaning going multiplat benefitted them, oops. 

Check your own examples man. But we can go with Crash. It sold over a million on Xbox, definitely covering costs of development. GC version underperformed, wasn't worth it. So out of your 7 examples. half of one counted. 

Yeah I agree with that we still don't know how well the switch is going to do. But Adding 200 million more units to that would significantly increase the sales because nintendo franchises have always been popular, with everyone. Uncharted 4 trailers have the same amount of views as Zelda trailers even though the PS4's user base is way bigger, which means people outside of nintendo's console base are interested in Nintendo games. It's the hardware. 

Come on man, the only popular 2D platformers/Kart racers that sell for FULL retail price are Nintendo franchises. These games that sold 30 million not too long ago on the Wii that sold 100 million units. It wouldn't be all of a sudden. People want to play these games. People wanted to play these games last generation on Wii U. What people didn't want to do was Buy a Wii U. Which is shown even more so due to how well switch is selling. People are buying switches because they want nintendo games. This isn't a new thing, and now that the undesirable Wii U hardware is out of the way more people are buying switches because of nintendo games. Because millions and millions of people want to play nintendo games. They didn't sell more software you can count on Wii U just because of casuals. 

What I'm arguing is that there's millions and millions of more people who either can't afford/jusity buying another box or simply don't want switch hardware *raises hand* but would be interested in playing Nintendo games. You didn't see my first comment but I stated my reason for wanting them to go 3rd party is completely selfish because I want their games. But I would jump off of a cliff if they went third party and didn't sell significantly more, and if you disagree then fair, but every point you've made so far either isn't part of this conversation or just plainly and provably wrong like your 7 examples you cited of games that failed when going multiplat, as if that's the reason they did badly, which most didn't. 

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2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'