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Barkley said:
RolStoppable said:

Shoulder buttons enabled new gameplay. For example, what would Mario Kart play like without shoulder buttons? It wouldn't be anywhere close to the same. Shoulder buttons are a big deal because they allow the player to comfortably press a combination of buttons. If you reduced controllers to face buttons-only, you'd run into severe problems for pretty much any game that uses shoulder buttons for fast action-based gameplay.

Dual analog did no such thing. Or can you name a game that achieved something that Super Mario 64 and Turok didn't already do? Also, employ the same throught process as in the above paragraph; if we go back from dual analog to the N64's setup of one stick and C-buttons, do games become a lot harder to play, to the point that they would be near unplayable?

I honestly don't know how to respond to that. Have you never heard of an FPS?

I honestly don't know how to respond to that. Have you never heard of GoldenEye 007 or Perfect Dark?