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JRPGfan said:
tinfamous12 said:
I think its a good idea. I think Microsoft and Nintendo should too, but I would still like for each company to have some exclusives but I think they could easily help each other game-wise.

Microsoft already does.

Windows 10 and their "store" and you can basically play any Xbox One game.

This thread OP must think Xbox One is a stupid console, right? Since its games are playable on PC.

Not realreally third party enough.  They only support xbox one and windows 10 store which are there platforms. They do have some games on steam and they should put more games on steam imo.


OP- Playstation should put their games on steam. Would allow for more gamers to have access to games they have never played. PSNOW is a good first step for putting Playstation games on PC but putting games on steam would be a way better.