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I think you guys use different definitions for what a casual gamer is. Is that possible?

Miyamotoo: "A person who doesn't play a lot of video games."

Soundwave: "A soccer mum, old person or little girl." (slight exaggeration :P)

The Switch doesn't appeal to soccer moms or people in retirement homes. It does, however, appeal to other casual gamers: Mid 40's people who played games in the past but stopped gaming, young women (who are indeed capable of playing a hard game), young men who work full time and only game a few hours per week, etc.

I think it's a misconception that casual gamers can't play hard games (I agree the elderly people or mothers with no gaming experience will have a hard time). For most people out there the question is "are games worth my time? Are they exciting enough for me to put my time into them, even though I work full time and / or have a family?"

The term "casual gamers" as we often use it today ("people who are too stupid to play a real game and only want Brain Training") was used by viral marketers during the 7th generation to put an end to the Wii/DS success and to make fun of the system's audience. It was used as an insult, basically.