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We had finished dinner, we’re now having dessert,” Trump began. “And we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you’ve ever seen and President Xi was enjoying it.

We’ve just fired 59 missiles, all of which hit by the way, unbelievable, from hundreds of miles away, it’s brilliant, it’s genius, what we have in terms of technology no-one can come close to competing,” he continued.

So I said, we’ve just launched 59 missiles, heading to Iraq,” 


Interesting to see that:


1) He is proud to show off the fact that the US sent off 59 tomahawk missiles (doesn't seem concerned at all about the effects)


2) somehow mixes up Syria with Iraq, but has the time to describe the best chocolate cake ever.


3) Manages to show off when talking about war. Did we really need a reminder on how mighty our military is?


Rather disgusting to see people cause an uproar at Trump when it trends online. Here we are seeing a president clearly not know who he's throwing bombs at, and yet the internet doesn't care. Not exactly sure if people will agree with me, but I'd rather have a man who grabs people by the pussy than someone who threw 59 tomahawk missiles and "The Mother of all Bombs" in the span of a week. I get we mix up our words, but how can you mess up that badly, and yet have the time to recall the dessert you had recently?