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Thanks for this insight, OP. This seems to align with what I've heard, but it's helpful to see someone walk through it.

It seems like Zelda and Horizon have very different design philosophies, with the former putting a bigger focus on exploration, and the latter being more story-focused. Nothing wrong with either, but I can definitely understand your sentiment. I absolutely loved how completely open Zelda felt. It's hard to explain I guess...but it really felt like I was given a world that was completely mine. I could choose to experience the story, could choose to walk around massive hills, fly from mountain to mountain, or just dress as a woman and collect and throw chickens to scare local children.

I assume Horizon gives you freedom as well, but the restrictions I see in the OP convince me that I probably wouldn't enjoy it to the same extent. Going into an open world game now, and not being able to glide across mountains, or climb essentially anything...I can't help but think it'd make me a sad boom...

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334