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If your MGS4 experience can be spoiled by the knowledge that there are, for example, two cutscenes that are about 80 minutes long, then I don't know what to say. Would you consider the following, hypothetical quote as spoiling? (I have never played any Metal Gear games, so just bear with me here ok)

"The storyline in MGS4 is intricate and has enough surprising twists to keep you guessing until the very end. True to his style, Kojima uses a lot of cutscenes to tell the story, but he might have gone a bit overboard this time: a couple of the lengthier cutscenes could almost pass for a feature film, and you can surely use some popcorn and soda for the 80-or-so minutes that it takes to go through them. Of course, you can skip the cutscenes, but then you'll be deprived of the story and what essentially makes MGS4 the masterpiece it is."