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Don't think about all time favorite much and I would probably have to separate by genre or what I'm looking for that day, but SICARIO should have won best picture in 2015 and it wasn't even nominated. And Benecio Del Toro DEFINITELY should have won best supporting and he wasn't even nominated.

Also La La Land only lost best picture because of the politics of #Oscarssowhite last year. The academy needed to get people off their ass so they overreacted and despite acknowledging that La La Land had the best camera work, direction, actressing, soundtrack, etc. gave it to the one that would stick it in Trump's face the most and get people to stop talking about how they don't cast black people enough (which this doesn't solve that problem anyway). It was such BS. It's not even in the upper echelon of what was nominated for best picture. Hidden Figures, Fences, and Hell or High Water were better by miles. Moonlight an interesting little indie.

I am Iron Man