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barneystinson69 said:
specialk said:

Ding ding ding!

Although I can't blame the media. If there is a story they're gonna report it.

People need to freak out a bit less about insignificant threats. 

So people dying due to terror should just be passed off? I can't believe I'm hearing this! I guess terrorist attacks have been normalized in the western world now. SAD!

His point was I think that the worst thing that could happen to a terrorist would be if their attack did not gain any attention/notoriety. It's literally worse than death for them. 

In a counter intuitive way that would actually probably curtail attacks because if you couldn't gain notoriety/fame/attention, then there's virtually no incentive to want to it. The object of terror is to (well) terrorize people, if the news media does not take the bait and doesn't give these people a platform, such a tactic loses virtually all of its power. 

That said, practically of course yes, there is no way to keep this stuff secret, but it's an unending cycle now. Someone watching the news is inspired by this and will want to be the next guy on TV. As such you have a cycle where this is in effect normalized.