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I think that this problem will continue to exist as long as there is a limited amount of space and motivation to use that space.  As a long time PC gamer, there were many years where I had to manage my hard drive space carefully knowing that I could have that, that, and that on it but not this, this, or this.   I'm used to it so it doesn't bother me or is, at very most, a minor annoyance.

My problem with PS3 game installation (if I owned one) would be installation time.  When I sit down to play a console game, I want to play it and not wait for an installer to finish.   If I want to rapidly switch from game to game (as I often do), I would likely need a bigger hard drive or be forced to manage my space and then do more installations later.   Still, even on a PC at the height of things I don't normally do that many uninstalls/installs at a time.

Anywho, if I ever get a PS3 the first thing I'll be sure to do is put in a 100+Gb hard drive, but thanks anyway for the tip Onna.  It may or may not come in handy, but it's a new option all the same.