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@ starcraft

Do you perchance have a better means of injecting anything resembling independant 'fact' into these kinds of discussions?

Also, I dont understand why you think highlighting the gaming media's bias against the Wii and casual titles (Wiisports & Wiiplay) helps prove an argument that PS3 games are underrated?

I just pointed out reviews are subjective to begin with and are influenced by many non-objective factors.

It's not that I think most PS3 are underrated, I think many 360 games have been overrated and overhyped (overlooking the many shortcomings compared to other games). I think some pretty so so PS3 games also received too high scores probably sometimes due to being rated well on the 360 in the first place and I think many reviewers have been intentionally harsh due to some games being exclusive to the PS3.

Let's say 6 websites give a game a score of 9/10. For another game 4 give a score of 9.5 and 2 others rate the game a 7. Which game would "objectively" be the better game in your opinion? IMO it's all subjective, especially if you include website like GameSpot into your figures.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales