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Acevil said:
Ka-pi96 said:

If people want to create that stuff there won't be anything stopping them from continuing to do so, they just won't be getting paid for it. I don't get the problem?

BUT FREE SPEECH! (For right wing, the forget corporatations are allowed to use money any way they want. that includes not paying individuals based on their cateria. Honestly youtube I applaud you for this.)

I learned about what's happening through my favourite leftist youtube channel. All sides are affected. The mere mention of certain words would mean your videos are mostly likely going to be demonetized. For example, if you are disucssing why gay marriage should be legal without being offensive at all, bam, no ads will placed on your videos.

VGPolyglot said:
Well, I don't think this is going to stop Stephen Crowder, Paul Joseph Watson, Rebel Media, Sargon, Black Pigeon Speaks, Alex Jones, Varg Vikernes, Stefan Molyneux or Brother Nathanael from posting their views on YouTube.

It won't stop established youtubers because those can and will look for alternative revenue sources. My fave political channel made a "patreon" account less than 24 hours ago and he's already receiving 10k dollars a month.

vivster said:
So how are those people independent if they're dependent on ads?

Independent in this case means free of corporate ties that influence their opinions. Might not be the accurate word to use, if you have an alternative description, go ahead and let me now.

RJ_Sizzle said:
And? If these people want to be paid for their political views, they can start up patreons, or, not be paid at all if it means that much to them. I don't blame corporations for wanting to steer shy of the bullshit and not foot the bill for it. If you want to get paid with ads, you need to come up with a game plan to steer back toward neutral content.

It doesn't matter if the content is neutral or not. The mere discussion of any political, racial or sexual topic will lead to demonetization of your video.

super_etecoon said:
VGPolyglot said:

I searched it up, and apparently it is.

So is sesquipedalian.

So is twerk.

Boost6 said:
Leftist liberal fascist's cant stand free speech no way, tell us something we don't know.

Funny how many of you has already turned this into "left vs right". FYI, I found out about this through my fave leftist channels. Get your head out of your asses and see the picture for once.

Otter said:
I should hope other social media platforms step up in this regards, video on facebook is bcoming increasingly more important, what is its stance?

No use in moving on to other platforms. This is a systematic move from both, youtube and its advertising partners, to pull people's attention away from news outlets they don't approve of and get them to refocus on the traditional media sources that have lost a lot of its influencing powers in recent times.

Facebook & Google live and die on the support of those advertising partners, they have the upper hand here. Established youtubers are feeling the burn already but they'll survive thanks to the support of their hardcore fanbases, but you won't get bright new faces in the political commentary scene anymore unless those original content creators hit back smartly.