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I don't see the problem with being a topic amongst others in social studies class.
As mentioned, it's pretty much required for context in understanding historical developments.
I'm not really sure of relation of cartoon to the teaching in American schools.
The cartoon is clearly a British cartoon, made by Islamic advocacy group.
It's also clearly aimed at very young age, and I don't see how it would fit into a curiculum
spending 3 days teaching the basics of islamic religion, which would be well above level of cartoon.
It seems the cartoon may be unrelated to school article and is merely "illustrative" in abstract sense?

Honestly the cartoon itself does reek of propaganda and not is purely neutral and informative.
e.g. it goes from describing tithe for charity to "if everybody did this there would be no poverty in world".
Well that's a rather inproven theory, contrasting with actual poverty in muslim world, and is more like "advocacy".
Likewise, it discussing ramadan fasting and then says it helps overcome greed... well that's kind of questionable.
Meanwhile it mentions pilgrimage to mecca... without mentioning this is site of ancient pagan meteor venerage.
So it is spends time on "feel good" advocacy while omitting basic objective facts. Not school appropriate IMHO.
I don't see that advocacy as unlike what any other religion would do, but again that isn't appropriate in school.