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@ starcraft

But that paints an even bleaker picture for the PS3's gaming state. Its shown the least ability of all three consoles to "cover everything."

I think Sony themselves try to cover many different gernes. Intentional or not at this point, this IMO posses some lmitations with regard to pushing users towards buying into the system, as Singstar is a very different game compared to Eye of Judgement and other cool Eyetoy games. They suit a lot different game gernes while the 360 has far more a hardcore focus.

What I am trying to say is that I think LBP + Ratchet & Clank: TOD + Jak & Daxter will be more powerful in combination to push platformer fans towards the system than having available each title seperately at any point of the console's lifecycle.

Resistance/Haze/UT3 vs Gears/Bioshock/Halo 3.

Bioshock is going to be available for the PS3 this year and UT3 should become available for the 360. Soon it's more going to be like Resistance 2 / Killzone 2 / Metal Gear Solid 4 (and to a lesser extend Uncharted / Warhawk / Socom) vs mainly Gears 2 / Halo 3 (/and maybe GTA IV exclusive content) with regard to luring 3D shooter fans towards the two systems. The entry-price advantage of course goes to the 360, but I think the 'wow factor' will be on the PS3's side.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales