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Foshoryuken said:
"Evolutionary Metal Gear - and that's a very good thing. There are niggles here and there - it's not perfect - but it's very polished and engrossing."

Niggles? What the hell are Niggles

It's probably some Aussie dialect similar to "foibles" as in "flaws that can be contributed to the nature of the subject."

It means the game has flaws.

This review is an anwser to the 9.9 IGN review it seems, adding that particular line right there has no other explaination. I think it's obvious, but by its designed nature, it is unprovable.


As for the game, I'm sure being obsessed about reviews will eventually bite you in the rear. It's a MGS game. It's perfect to MGS fans. You can't screw up the gameplay, it really isn't as existant as it appears. The story can either suck, like MGS2, or be good like MGS3. I doubt the game will be any better than 3 was though, I just think that because of the hype, reviewers are looking at the game more favorably than they did MGS3. This is a good thing, cause MGS3 is under-rated, and far better than the vastly over-rated MGS2.


Just enjoy it. It's the first official AAA exclusive on the PS3. Is it really necessary that it be the best game ever. Instead, it should be more of an Omen of things to come, or at least that's what fans of PS3 worldwide sales should hope.

Gamers in general should instead hope that MGS4 gets ported to the 360, so as many people can play this awesome game as humanly possible.


However, since fanboys would be eternally owned, if that ever happened, I doubt many PS3 only owners are actually hoping that said circumstance happens.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.