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sc94597 said:
@konnichiwaa I will make sure I watch out for the reptilians. How am I suppose to defend myself against their password stealing abilities?

 If that is the only thing they do you may consider yourself lucky! You better watch out that they don't kidnapp you like they did with Leo-J...  They have even brainwashed him(he even spoke their language proof), remember that zackblue account?  They thought he would behave himself and he did that for some time but Twesterm looked just one moment away and than he became himself again they could do only one thing before other members found out the truth.... they perm banned him.

Ugh;..If Leo-J only would have found out that the reptillians can't stand beer he would never been kidnapped.

But not to much beer because you then will end up like Weezy...That guy drank so much he became Ûber funny and even haves his own fans!  But you know, The best jokes can also be very painfull for a group of people and the reptillians used that groups pain to permban Weezy...

So many who don't know the truth.... Even Rollstopable is still wondering why zenfolderVGI doesn't like him, come on...BOYCOTT BEER (look to Roll's sig) of course zendfolderVGI suspects Roll is a collaborateur! But I don't believe that, Roll comes from the country of Schwarzenneger!  They can't catch Austrians. This also explains why they never made Roll a mod...Also when that poor guy would love it so much.

Sigh many tried to raise up again the mods but so many have failed (see my sig of konnichiwa).....

After writing this I have concluded that I better go of my pc..